YUVARATRI - Biggest YOUTH event ever - MUMBAI
YUVARATRI...GO M.A.D(Make a Difference)
YUVARATRI - A youth event by the youth, for the youth, of the youth on 24th December 2006
This is your chance to become a part of the city's Biggest YOUTH event :- YUVARATRI.
Here the revolutionaries don't die in the end.....they create more revolutionaries - to begin a peaceful revolution.
On 24th Dec'06, thousands of youth wil gather 2 create & witness one of d most phenomenal events in d history of Mumbai city YUVARATRI. It'll be an evening of joy & celebration of d spirit, an evening of dance & music with an undercurrent of laughter n wisdom n inspirational stories. It'll be a first ever, one of a kind congregation of lively, vibrant minds brimming with enthusiasm and irrepressible energy.
• Dance, Dramas, Fashion Show
• Live sms Quiz show - to tickle your grey cells…
• Sharings by reformed kashmiri militants & elsewhere…
• Fireworks with Candle light & Yuvaratri Song N lots more!!!!!!!
• Stand Up Comedy by Naveen Prabhakar.
• Keynote Address by H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar charismatic global Indian leader and Nobel Peace prize Nominee 2005, 2006
Amidst all the fun and entertainment at Yuvaratri, WAYE will launch its Seven Focus Areas:
Substance Abuse
Attitude of Indifference
Poverty & Unemployment
Depression & Suicide
Female Foeticide & HIV-AIDS
Celebrities participating
Arjun Rampal
Akshay Kumar
Diya Mirza
Lara Dutta
Leander Paes
Rhea Pillai
Seema Ramchandani (ex-Viva)
Vikram Hazra
Suneeta Rao
Sanjay Maroo
And many more...
What after Yuvaratri:
Post Yuvaratri, there wil b various platforms u can contribute through to impact your life & that of others around u.
007 avenues of action:
• Fine Arts,
• Entertainment,
• Sports,
• Technology,
• Education,
• Empowerment,
• Entrepreneurship.
For donor passes & details, visit www.yesplus.org/yuvaratri
c u on 24th December!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We from YES+ Hyderabad are going to Mumbai....... are you joining us ???? are you douting you are youth ......... dont miss it for anything on this earth .....lets Gooooooo....................
Get in touch with 9866116371, 9885548292, 9866798490
Remember Everyone deserves a Chance
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