Hi norica,
I guess you have not analyzed your possible Database structure,as there is one to many relationship between the applicant and reasons,there bound to be redundant data.
norica gohil <noricagohil@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
norica gohil <noricagohil@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
Hi thanks for your concern,The scenario is that an appliaction can be rejected for either one of the reason specified in the reasons table.A table stores the reason(0 to n) for each appliaction rejected,THe appliacnts details(ie name appno,adress etc is stored in a diiferebnt table)Now what i have is the format for the rejection letter to be sent to each applicant , the format for letter is an XSL file stored in another table -(ther are various reports and letters all are stored as XSL)wel from htis i guess u infer my problem,I fetch all appliacnts rejected( a dataset)Get all reasons for each appliacnt from different table)If i populate both together i will have redundant data in each row and my XSL will fail, its for an indivisual appliacant with multiple reasonthanksNorica
Samir Prabhu <samirsprabhu@yahoo.co.in> wrote:Hi,In .NET you can create a join based query,populate a dataset and either through default dataset.writeXML() method or by using methods in System.xml namespace format your customized xml comprising the data.Hope this will help you.Regards,Samir
norica gohil <noricagohil@yahoo.co.in> wrote:HiCan anyone help me out with this?I have two sets of data (like master Detail) i want to generate both into one as XMl so i can transform with XSlEgdata1AppnoAddressRollnoData2Appno1,ReasonAppno1,ReasonAppno 1,REasonAppno2,ReasonAppno2,ReasonAppno2,ReasonHow do i fetch them and merrge to get on XMl as<candidate><Appno1> </Appno1><Address> </Address><Rollno></Rollno><reasons><Reason></Reason><Reason></Reason><Reason></Reason></reasons></candidate>Thanks,
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